Phony: Dude, this whole gimmick suck...there's no friendship here, only networking; there's no helping, only favors, and they still take pride in their fake ass CSR shit!
Sun King: Ever heard of Pandora's Box?
Phony: urm...I know what a
box is.
Sun King: Well, you are close, however, it's more than simplfy, Pandora was a
pussy cat, a punishment for overworked grads and hopeful freshers. She was given many seductive gifts from the higher
The grad ignored the warning of their seniors and pursued her relentlessly every winter when she was
on heat. Eventually he was successful in marrying her and that's when the real trouble started. Grad, who had a gift of curiosity owing to his intellectual background, opened her box, only to be sucked in. Not only was he sucked in, the opened box gave birth to all possible evils he had never the time the grad pulled himself together and closed the box, only one evil remained trapped - Hope.
Now he was faced with burdensome labour, diseases, ills and evils he had never known before. The labour of 20 hour days started taking its toll on the grad who was used to 5 days week and getting stoned on weekends. Diseases like insomnia and nicotine/caffeine addiction unleashed their fury on his healthy body. Seeds of numerous ills were sowed in the grads thinking and actions.
The only value left in his existence was the Hope...trapped inside the closed box. Grad considered himself lucky, to be the sole owner of the treaure and he opened the box each time he fancied it only to find the greatest of all evils - Hope. The hope for a better tomorrow. The hope that made him slothful thinking about the good things that may come out of the treaure. Hope, that gave a meaning to his pessimistic existence, and a silver lining in the form of a PPO or a PO in the days to come.