Overconsumption to the point of waste. Overindulging in legal addictives like caffeine or nicotine or alcohol or all/some of them together.
Giving up eternal stuff for the posession of things of temporal nature. Professional networking (read sucking up) for personal gains; deliberate betrayal of 1st degree contacts (read friends) for better end results.
Laziness to act, indifference towards work and unwillingness to care. Freeloading despite having the capability to contribute to a group task.
Uncontrallable rage leading to self-denial, feelings of revenge and breaking the law. Evident in the form of mail-wars after gigantic egos are hurt.
Wishing the other person is deprived of something I am lacking. Evident all the time when the undeserving guy (read everyone except self ) gets accolades or glory of any form.
Cravings of sexual nature. Mostly absent in a B-school but is at peak during placement season when the HR chicks of coveted companies appear sexier than they really are.
The most serious and deadliest of all sins as per the Church. Contempt for the peer and love of self. Also, the most widespread sin across all MBAs, for good reasons, of course. Propogated by cocky profs and cockier business leaders.
Glad to confess I am as sinful as Lucifer.
You aint the only one mate.. Millions try to cover themselves with the inglorius pleasures of these sins!Its for the ultimate prize..All about the moolah
!! Nice write up btw
kickass definitions....great that you could pen them down somerhwre for most of us to refer to and understand that in the end all of us are Lucifers...
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