Saturday, August 16, 2008

Real Phony

Like his name Real Phony's life has been full of 'oxymoron s'. Phony tried really hard to bring uniformity in his life but never succeeded. He was a 'Mechanical Engineer' and went mechanically through his engineering degree. He then went on to become a 'software professional' and worked on Microsoft Technologies projects. Phony always wondered while breaking his head over bugs and system crashes - 'Microsoft Works', 'Windows NT(New Technology?)', 'Windows XP(Extra Performace?)', whoever named this must have been smoking some real good shit.

Tired of his 'pretty boring' routine of writing codes and 'software manuals' he turned to the 'standard option' - BEELCT (Bored Employees' Early Life Crisis Test), which would guarantee a place in some of the finest 'business schools" as a 'post graduate student'. It also meant a 'working vacation' for 2 years. Phony started 'day dreaming' of his time away from 'business ethics' and 'extensive briefing' meetings and 'business casuals'. Phony was elated when he stepped in IM JRGN (Institute of Management John Right George Night). The campus was beautiful - sprawling lawns with 'manicured grass', huge 'academic blocks', 'spacious dormitories' et al. Phony started imagining his 'new life' with the IM JRGN stamp deeply embossed on him, equipped with a DiBCL (Diploma in Business Cum Laude) degree, 'managing crisis' for a multi national firm as a CONsultant with 2 'executive assistants' in tow.....


PR said...


Unknown said...

Phony is like most of us in the technology industry..not sure if u can call it fictitious..considering most of us can relate to him..:)..