Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Phony's Term Burnout Test

You know you are suffering from Term Burnout when:
  • You spend more time figuring out what is the minimum score, attendance required to pass an exam than actually studying.
  • When you start showering after the class rather than before and need new body sprays frequently
  • When the watchman/peon/drunkard at the college tells you to study harder.
  • When you argue with your classmates that actual education happens at the roadside tapri and not in the classroom.
  • When your attendance looks like your marks in that subject.
  • You sleep more in class than at home.
  • Pizza delivery is on your speed dial and every delivery boy knows your name.
  • You carry your laptop bag to movies, social gatherings, and funerals.
  • You realize you haven't paid the phone bill or electricity bill when the service is discontinued. Instead of paying the bill you prefer buying another sim card.
  • Your favorite phrase is "I don't give a Damn/Shit/Fuck/Flying Fuck
  • When you start smoking and gradually shift to cheaper cigarettes.
  • When your sing Paul Macca's C-moon all day long and CCR becomes your favorite band.
  • When you crave for nicotine/alcohol constantly and invent ways to get high on household medicines.
  • You stop answering phones of your old friends and colleagues and do not respond to them on IM.
  • Your status on IM is perpetually Busy
  • You start liking your unshaven stubbled look and assume that chicks dig it
  • You are so pressed for time and resources that you forget going to the loo.
  • You have been wearing the same pair of jeans for 3 weeks now and run out of fresh underwears.


Ravi said...

too good...:) liked that watchman/peon telling to study harder. this reminded me of a similar experience that i had..the canteen guy telling me to study harder :P

PR said...

Thanks Ravi.
It happens to the best of us.